Ethical Hacking Tips

What is computer hacking?
In a cyber security world, the person who is able to discover weakness in a system and managed to exploit it to accomplish his goal referred as a Hacker , and the process is referred as Hacking.

Now a days,  People started think that hacking is only hijacking Facebook accounts or defacing websites.  Yes, it is also part of hacking field but it doesn't mean that it is the main part of hacking.

So what is exactly hacking, what should i do to become a hacker?!  Don't worry, you will learn it from Break The Security. The main thing you need to become a hacker is self-interest.  You should always ready to learn something and learn to create something new. 

Now , let me explain about different kind of hackers exist in the cyber security world.

Script Kiddie

Script Kiddies are the persons who use tools , scripts, methods and programs created by real hackers.  In a simple word, the one who doesn't know how a system works but still able to exploit it with previously available tools.

White Hat Hacker:
White Hat hackers are good guys who does the hacking for defensing.  The main aim of a Whitehat hacker is to improve the security of a system by finding security flaws and fixing it.  They work for an organization or individually to make the cyber space more secure.

Break The Security only concentrates on white-hat hacking and help you to learn the Ethical Hacking world.

Black Hat Hacker:
BlackHat hackers are really bad guys , cyber criminals , who have malicious intent.  The hackers who steal money, infect systems with malware,  etc are referred as BlackHat hackers.  They use their hacking skills for illegal purposes.

GreyHat hackers:

The hackers who may work offensively or defensively, depending on the situation. Hackers who don't have malicious intentions but still like to break into third-party system for fun or just for showing the existence of vulnerability.

The hackers who use their hacking skills for protesting against injustice and attack a target system and websites to bring the justice.  One of the popular hacktivists is Anonymous and RedHack.

How to crack or Reset BIOS Password? ~Cracking Tutorials

The BIOS software is built into the PC, and is the first code run by a PC when powered on ('boot firmware'). The primary function of the BIOS is to set up the hardware and load and start a boot loader. When the PC starts up, the first job for the BIOS is to initialize and identify system devices such as the video display card, keyboard and mouse, hard disk drive, optical disc drive and other hardware. The BIOS then locates software held on a peripheral device (designated as a 'boot device'), such as a hard disk or a CD/DVD, and loads and executes that software, giving it control of the PC. This process is known as booting, or booting up, which is short for bootstrapping.
Bios password is usually used to protect the user's BIOS settings on the computer. If you want to reset the password on the BIOS does not need to bother to connect bateray CMOSnya, with a little trick on the Dos you can reset the BIOS password on it in 2 ways:

1. Clear CMOS
This way I consider the most ancient and most easy to break down the password on the BIOS. The steps are easy, first open the casing cover computer CPU. Then find the bios battery that looks something like the battery just a little more big clock. After the meet and consider the area around the battery there is usually a jumper with 3 pins, 2 pins and 1 pin not connected. 

Suppose the three pins with the code 1 - 2 - 3. Connector that connects the initial position usually is 2-3. To reset the bios do I move the position of the plug that connects pins 2-3 to position 1-2 for about 5 seconds. Then plug it back into the starting position (2-3). Try restarting the computer back on, secured the bios password is gone. 

If the above looks complicated, is easy to clear cmos by unplugging the BIOS battery and then put it back. But with the consequences of removing the label is the warranty on the battery BIOS.

2. Through DOS 

First out of the windows with me restart your computer, start the computer in MS-DOS mode, use the option "Command Prompt Only" 

At c: prompt, type: DEBUG 
press enter. You will see the sign (-) at the DEBUG prompt, then type: 
o 70 2e 
at the DEBUG prompt will be displayed as-o 70 2e. 
press enter and type: 
-O 71 ff 
press enter, the last type: 

hit enter, then you will get out of the DEBUG prompt and return to the C:> prompt. 
Now restart your COMPUTER, and see the results 

How to hide ip ?-Simple way to hide ip

It is easy to change your ip address without using proxy server,softwares. 

  • Open Command Prompt
  • Type ipconfig /release just like that, and hit enter
  • Type "exit" and leave the prompt
  • Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places" on your Control Panel.
  • Click on "properties"
  • You should now be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something close to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks.
  • Right click on "Local Area Connection" and click "properties"
  • Double-click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under the "General" tab
  • Click on "Use the following IP address" under the "General" tab
  • Create an IP address (It doesn't matter what it is. I just type 1 and 2 until i fill the area up).
  • Press "Tab" and it should automatically fill in the "Subnet Mask" section with default numbers.
  • Hit the "Ok" button here
  • Hit the "Ok" button again
  • You should now be back to the "Local Area Connection" screen.

  • Right-click back on "Local Area Connection" and go to properties again.
  • Go back to the "TCP/IP" settings
  • This time, select "Obtain an IP address automatically"
  • Hit "Ok" Hit "Ok" again
  • You now have a new IP address

This will change your dynamic ip only not your ISP/IP Address.

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